Monday, July 22, 2019

animal new mnemonic

New words from reading
 Tuesday 23rd July 2019

Big idea: within each kingdom there are more different groups that classify animals. 

  • Prokaryotes - a name of a kingdom 
  • Etc means etcetera
  • Interbreed - when two different animals have babies together

Mnemonics help us remember hard things, for example NEVER EAT SOGGY WEETBIX helps us remember North East South West. 

This is the mnemonic i learnt to help me remember the order:



Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Marlene and Tisharn dinosaur report

By Tisharn and Marlene

A palaeontology is a scientist that studies on ancient things including dinosaurs.
Did you know that Joan Wiffen was the First person that found a fossil in new zealand When she found one she became famous. other people like Richard Owen and Mary Anning. People found a one big fossil they didn’t know What it was so they send it to London,England were Richard Owen was.  He looks at it.It was the biggest Animal on Earth it was called Moa. Mary Anning grew up in lyme regis on england’s south coast, an area known for its unusual fossils and shells. Because her family was poor.
Fossils are dead animals or plants. They are usually skeletons found embedded in rock. Sometimes fossils are footprints or poo. Small animals or insects get stuck in tree sap which hardens and traps them forever. Large animals can get trapped in ice, or their carcass gets trapped in layers of rock. Over thousands of years, pressure builds up and the ground. Next the mould left is filled with minerals that form rock. This rock shape is the fossil - an exact replica of the dinosaurs. This process takes 10,000 years. Palaeontologists find fossils when the top layer of dirt or rock washes away. 

Age of dinosaurs
The triassic is a geologic period and system which spans 50.6 million from the end of the permian period 251.9 million years ago, to the beginning of the to the Jurassic Period 201.3 Mya. The Triassic is the first and shortest period of the Mesozoic Era.
200 Million years ago small mammals appear,150 Million years ago birds evolved from dinosaurs and 130 Million years ago First snakes evolved from lizards.
What were dinosaurs like?
Dinosaurs that had 2 feet were called bipedal and 4 feet dinosaurs were called quadruped. The 4 types of groups were called Theropods,sauropods,ankylosaur and pterosaur. Avian(birds) is a dinosaur that is a flying reptile,Dinosaurs ruled the land while the pterosaurs ruled the sky. Non Avian are not birds,they are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are not lizards because lizards legs are on the side of their body but dinosaurs legs are under their bodies,and dinosaurs have a hole in their skull unlike a lizard. Dinosaurs have modifications (which means changes) such as spikes, armour, horns or crests. For example a Triceratops have horns and crest to protect them. Sauropods and ankylosaur are herbivores (only eat plants),Tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptor are carnivores (only meat eaters). Ornithomimus and Oviraptor were omnivores(meat and plant eaters) and they also ate eggs and insects. All dinosaurs have babies by laying eggs,but if the dinosaur that is looking after the egg is gone to get food it moves the egg and the rest of the clade (Family) looked after the egg. Some dinosaurs were small and some dinosaurs were big. For example A t rex is 40 feet tall and 15 to 20 feet long.A Xixianykus is 20 cm tall and 50 cm long.T rex could run 45 miles per hour and a velociraptor can run 64 km per hour.

Extinction event
An extinction event is something when all the animals die and there is no more left.
66 million years ago a meteor hit the earth and it made earthquakes also volcanic eruptions. The other thing people think is that the dinosaurs froze and starved to death.

Age of mammals
Cenzosoic Era means Age of mammals. It is made up of three time periods; Palaeogene period (65-23 mya), Neogene period (23- 2.6 mya) and Quaternary period (2.6-0 mya). Hominins (Humans that walked on 2 feet)Hominins were humans that could start walking on 2 feet, Humans arrived in New Zealand was in the Quaternary period. The other mammals that were living in neogene period was Alligator, mammoth, crocodiles, turtles and other kinds of snakes. The Titanoboa was as long as a bus,it was also  the top of the food chain and when it eats it constraints its prey. 

Monday, July 1, 2019


Brainstorm and plan. 

Joan Wiffen
Words and ideas to use

Paragraph 2
Early life 
Born in ??
Lived where??
Married to…?? KIds??
What was her job??

First fossil she ever had was given an Ammonite (fossil of an ancient squid) that made her interested in finding fossils.
Paragraph 3
Discovering fossils 
First in NZ. 1975. Manga Manga Stream in Hawke’s Bay. dinosaur tailbone from a theropod.  From six different species. Joan and family and friends. 

Fossils were in rocks, used some special tools to split the rocks open, carried it to her car. 
Paragraph 4
Changing ideas about fossils
An Australian paleontologist Dr Ralph Molnar confirmed it was a dinosaur bone in 1980. 

Other people started looking for fossils and found some - page 24.
Paragraph 5
Later life
Honorary doctorate in 1994. 
Died in ??

She is remembered - her fossils are kept safe. Some are at the University of Auckland, some are at National Paleontological collections at GNS Science in Lower hutt. The first one she found is on display at Te Papa. 

Joan wiffen was a Famous hunter Because she was the First women in new zealand found a fossil.

Joan wiffen was born on the 4 of fed 1922 hawkes bay
She was married to Montague Arthur but they call hem Pont Joan wiffen and point have 2 children. And her job was called paleontologist.

In 1975 Joan wiffen first found a fossil in nz she found it at manga manga stream.

An australian paleontologist. Brendan hayes found a single, very small finger bone of a theropod dinosaur fund by south of port waikato.
Dr greg Browne fund a Dinosaur footprints found at Northwest Nelson.
Dr Jeffrey Stilwell found a several dinosaur bones found at Tioriori, Chatham Islands.

She got an honorary Doctorate in 1994.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Room 7 Dinosaur Knowledge

Room 7
Dinosaur knowledge
Prior Knowledge
In 2 weeks, we learnt that...
  • Animal
  • Predator
  • Dino is the root word
  • ‘Saurs’ means something
  • Species 
  • Extinct 
  • Huge
  • Large bones
  • Long necks
  • Eggs 
  • Sharp teeth
  • Long tails
  • Eat people
  • Different kinds
  • Spikes
  • Horns
  • Mammals
  • 4 legs
  • Bipedal means 2 feet and quadruped means 4 feet. Some dinosaurs are bipedal and some are quadrupeds. Some can change between the two stances. They are sturdy.
  • Theropod is a 3 clawed dinosaurs
  • Dinosaurs are warm-blooded, which means their blood temperature is always the same
  • Carnivore means a meat eater
  • Herbivore means a plant eater
  • Omnivore means it can eat plants and meat
  • Some dinosaurs are huge and some are small. Typically, huge dinosaurs were sluggish (slow). 
  • Dinosaurs died out 66 million years ago. They started existed 230 million years. 
  • They died because of an extinction event, most people think this was because a meteor hit the Earth. 
  • Dinosaurs legs go out the bottom of their hip bones, whereas reptiles bones go to the side of their hips. Reptiles do not have an extra hole in their skull, but dinosaurs do. 
  • Mary Anning found lots of fossils on a cliffside in England in the 19th century. She was born in 1799 and died in 1847. She survived a lightning strike as a baby. In 1824 she found the first fossil.
  • Non-avian dinosaurs are dinosaurs that are not birds. Avian means birds.
  • Metabolism means how fast or slow your body converts food into energy
  • Diverse means a big range
  • Modifications means changes. Dinosaurs have modifications such as spikes, armour, horns or crests. 
  • Clade means family.
  • Lineage means ancestors/descendants 
  • Paleontologists are scientists that study ancient things including dinosaurs
  • There are 4 main groups of dinosaurs; theropods, sauropods, ankylosaurus and pterosaurs.
  • Titanoboa was top of the food chain after the dinosaurs died. It killed people by constricting people. It spent most of its time in the water because it was super heavy. It was 13m long, as big as a bus. 
  • Hominins existed when 7-6 million years ago, the first humans to walk on 2 feet. 
  • People did not exist when dinosaurs existed.

  • Adaptation is something that changes over time. 
  • Ecology - how animals relate to each other
  • Fossils are made when dinosaurs die and their bones get trapped in rock or mud. The bones break down over time but leave a mould, which is filled with rock. This becomes the fossil. 
  • Dinosaurs sometimes eat each other. 
  • There were 3 periods of time that have dinosaurs. This is called the ‘age of dinosaurs’ also known as the ‘Mesozoic Era’; Triassic period, Jurassic period, and Cretasous period. 
  • Then there were 3 more periods in time, “Age of mammals”, also known as ‘Cenozoic Era’; Paleogene Period, Neogene period and  Quaternary period.
  • Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent, including Antarctica.
  • Joan Wiffen found the first dinosaur fossil (a theropods tailbone) in NZ in 1975, in Hawkes Bay. She died in 2009. 
  • Dinosaurs laid eggs and they lived in family groups. 

  • Thursday, June 27, 2019

    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    Matariki clebrtion

    Matariki is the new year of maori and there are 7 stars they name is waiti,waita,waipuna-a
    matariki is important to maori because its they new year.
    Image result for matariki

    Tuesday, May 14, 2019

    Sunday, March 31, 2019


    First we remembered everything we could from last week.
    Last week we learnt that there was something called the New Zealand Land Wars that
    happened between 1845-1872. It was all about who controlled the land in NZ. It was complicated
    because some land was traded fairly and some was taken. The wars were imbalanced (unfair)
    because the Europeans had more manpower (people), and a higher quantity and quality of
    weapons (more of them and better ones). The Maoris were outnumbered so they had to use
    secret plans and some guerilla warfare tactics in order to fight back.
    The big idea about this is that the two groups of people viewed the land differently - Maori’s held a
    collectivist viewpoint, where land and other resources (oceans, fish, forests) should be cared for and
    shared by everyone. Europeans held an individualistic viewpoint, and wanted to own the land in order
    to have farms and make money. Even today there viewpoints cause conflict around the world.

    Our first questions -
    Junefia - What does Parihaka mean?
    Parihaka means it is the name of their village or their place.

    Marlene - why did the people send the kids out?
    They didn't want them to get hert.

    Dyzon - why were the two guys sent to prison for 16 months?
    Te whiti and his friend tohu went to jail cause the europeans thought that if they take the leaders of the
    tribe they all would run away, but they didn’t.

    Marilyn - why was the village surrounded by soldiers?

    Lynch - what people left the land that Parihaka was built on? (Who was there before them?) T
    was a Maori tribe that lived there but we don’t know who. They got sent off the land by the government
    and the land was claimed for Europeans but they didn’t build on it for ten years.

    Garth - why did Te Whiti go to jail?
    Te Whiti was sent to jail because he was the leader of the Maoris and the Pakehas wanted the land
    back to make farms. But when he was in jail, his people were scared but did not run away from the
    land. They protected it.

    Anittah - was there a reason Why all the Maori men went to jail?
    So when the men go the Children and the ladies will get scared and leave.

    Ana - why were the protectors put in jail?
    The government put the mens in jail so they could scare the womens and children away and they
    could take the land back, but they didn’t run away they protected the land.

    Maria - why did the government promise the people land?
    So the government promised to them a piece of land for them to live on. And in ten years no one
    claim to live on the land so they built a new village called Parihaka.

    Moana - why did 200 children block the road?
    Because the europeans did not want them to get harmed or killed them.

    Wesley - does Parihaka still exist?
    Yes the Parihaka village still exist and Maori people still live there and honour the history

    Tisharn - why was Parihaka famous?
    Because he was a peaceful man and he taught it to a lot of the maori.
    Angellynah - why did the soldiers burn the peoples houses down and destroy their crops?
    Cause they soldiers thought that the land was theirs and they wanted to get off the land.

    Michael - How was the government able to keep Te Whiti and Tohu for 16 months without a trial??
    government was made up of Europeans so they had control. There was no Maoris in the government to
    defend Te Whiti and
    Tohu, so they just did what they wanted.

    Tsai - Why did the Europeans want the land?
    Because they were jalless that the maori had land and the parihaka did not. They wanted to make farms.

    Joshua/Rakel - why did the Maori people build their new village at Parihaka?
    They built land because the europeans government didn't give them land so they had to build
    some new land and they called it parihaka and their leader was called te whiti.

    Janett - Why did the government let the men go out of jail?
    Because the jail have to many parihaka mens in the jail and the they set them free.

    Langiola - Why did the people offer the soldiers 500 loaves of bread?
    So there kids can survie and themselves because there in a war so the can fight people to. They
    have to be full with food so they cant die cause they have to protect people that are in danger
    and not make themselves or anyone, else stave because together we are strong we are family
    because we all love each other so much.

    Mathew - Why is this story famous in NZ?
    The Maoris were peaceful.

    Litia - Why was Te Whiti preaching to the people? What was he preaching about?
    He was preaching by peace. Cause he wanted to make people peace full like how he is.

    Rona - What happened at the end of the story? What did the people of Parihaka do?
    Founded in the mid-1860s, Parihaka was soon attracting dispossessed and disillusioned
    Māori from around the country.

    Miss Ashley - where is the village of Parihaka? Where were the prisons kept?
    The village of Parihaka is near the coast by Taranaki. The prisoners from Parihaka were sent to jails in
    different places all over NZ. The most famous one was in Dunedin, and it was pretty much a cave. The
    men were kept in caves without trial. When they were released they went ship back to Taranaki.

    Big ideas -
    • Maori were peaceful!
    • Europeans wanted land to make farms.
    • Maori were kind and offered the soldiers food.
    • The government promised them land, but they never gave it.